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Hub Renamed 'Student Union Building'

and other changes.

by anonymous

image courtesy of AUSA

As a continuation of the University of Aberdeen Student Association’s project of renaming campus buildings, The Hub has changed to the much more clear and descriptive “Student Union Building”, in an attempt to clearly communicate their intended use.

One leaked memo suggests that the Old Aberdeen campus will gradually be rebranded as “Collection of Buildings For Higher Education” and Foresterhill renamed “Place in Aberdeen Where Doctors Are Taught (Mostly)”

The popular student drinking establishment, The Bobbin, is allegedly going to be renamed “University of Aberdeen Student Society Meeting & Drinking Building. Sometimes Ft. Audio-Visual Presentations of Sports Games.”

In support of the actions of AUSA, The Gaudie has decided to rename itself “News And Other Goings-On Printed On Thinly Sliced Tree Parts, But Also Now Online At”

The Sir Ian Duncan Rice Library has also begun the process of renaming itself the much more appropriate name: “The Main Collection Of Books On Campus. Some Of Which You Can Take Home, And Also Other Places, But Almost All Of Which You Have To Eventually Bring Back, Some Sooner Than Others. There Are Also Some Books That You Are Not Allowed To Take Out But, Obviously, Physically Still Could If You Really Wanted To And Just Threw A Heavy One Through The Window.” This title was narrowly beaten by the other proposed name: “Storage Cube For Overworked and Under-Caffeinated Nerds.”

In support of the actions of AUSA, The Gaudie has decided to rename itself “News And Other Goings-On Printed On Thinly Sliced Tree Parts, But Also Now Online At”

©2023 by The Gaudie.

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