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  • Writer's pictureThe Gaudie

Hentai Through The Walls

by anonymous

Anime Girl by Max Pixel via

There are 5 of us here

Flat 1, ground floor

The unfortunate block

Our beds are wedged between a carpark

Two roundabouts

And some sort of construction site

By the time the work is complete

I’ll have finished my degree.

It is no secret

That student accommodation

Is pretty shite

It can be testing

Living in this place

A city which gives a new meaning

To Fifty Shades of Grey.

Some sort of dystopian east coast nightmare


Makes me think that when Elliot wrote

“April is the cruellest month”

The lad obviously hadn’t seen

The onset of winter

In Aberdeen 

Freshers’ Flu round two

No way is that essay already due

Give me Domino’s deals

And Unidays discounts

To get me through

Come back to my place, my space

The faded rucksack,

The single cupboard stocked with Super Noodles packs

A chipped cup drying on the rack

Make yourself at home

I know I’m certainly trying to

Let me grab you something to drink

I have a bottle of cheap Echo Falls

And half the fridge shelf

All to myself

Why don’t you come up and see me sometime

My flatmates keep to themselves

And I’m sure they won’t mind

You’ll see what I mean

Bed against the exposed brick

So thin

Some nights

I think I can hear somebody else’s breathing

Some nights

Lights out, curtains drawn

I think I can hear hentai through the walls


Simon is at it again

Simon next to me, Room B

Who must be feeling

Equally lonely, Simon

I mean it when I say

There’s no shame

We’re all the same, Simon

You’re not alone

You’re just the only person

Not using earphones

What the fuck, Simon

It’s 2017

Don’t get me wrong

I’m not judging

Nor pretending

I’ve never encountered

Questionable scenes with tentacles

And Japanese teens

But right now the only thing

I want to see going down

Is your volume button,


Who always leaves a mess in the kitchen, Simon

Who never even says good morning, Simon

That squealing and squeaking,

Your bedframe creaking

That awful, awful

Damp slapping noise

Of Simon’s skin

Thudding through my walls

Closing in, Simon

This is the fourth time this week

You’ve woken me up

Beating your meat

To Busty Manga Maids 3

You have gone too far this time

I am taking a stand against your

Late night


(Though we both know early morning, mid afternoon

And evening

Are also special/ busy times for you)

No longer shall I roll my eyes

And sigh

Hide under the bedsheets

Or retreat to the library

Simon needs to see

How it feels to be me

Trying to sleep

When the walls are vibrating

With shitey cartoon pornography


Simon is going to get a taste of his own medicine


I’m going to bring the house down

With feminist erotica from the seventies  

©2023 by The Gaudie.

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