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SNP Condemn "inhumane" Tory anti-refugee law

“We don’t care if your entry was irregular”- delegates vow to value everyone who chooses to live in Scotland

By Oliver Kennedy

SNP members have pledged to support refugees and aslyum seekers at their annual conference in Aberdeen.

The morning's second resolution, "A Humane and Just Asylum System", was moved by Stuart McDonald MP, who expressed his dismay at Conservative policies he claims are not only dehumanising and unethical, but breach numerous human rights conventions within the UK and Europe.

The Conservative Party is “saving Tory seats through disgusting and dehumanising politics," he alleged.

Mr McDonald added that the new Illegal Migration Bill “treats asylum seekers as dreadfully as possible” by delaying application processes and denying the right to work.

Additionally, it imposes the overarching threat of deportation to Rwanda; something that nearly happened to seven people in June 2022, only being prevented by late intervention from the European Court of Human Rights.

Alison Thewliss MP also took the stage in support of the resolution, explaining that the SNP “welcomes and does not vilify” aslyum seekers and despite "deliberate" delays in the processing of refugees, she welcomes then in her Cumbernauld constituency.

She also warned that Tory policy could directly leave over 1,000 refugees homeless in Glasgow this winter.

Mrs Thewliss concluded by reiterating her view that the SNP needs the power of independence to build a safe and welcoming environment for refugees.

The resolution was approved with overwhelming support from the audience.

©2023 by The Gaudie.

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