New updates on Scottish Government restrictions postpone Re-Freshers Week and limit Sport activities
by Mireia Jimenez
Courtesy of Aaedan Brennan
Aberdeen University Students’ Association (AUSA) announced today how new COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland will affect the return of society and sport activity within the University.
Re-Freshers Week will be postponed by two weeks and held on 31 January due to government advice of limiting social activities to a maximum of 3 households.
AUSA clarified that “Although this isn’t law at this time, we would ask that this guidance is respected for the time being and socials/activities that require larger gatherings stay online until this guidance changes.”
The University will follow these recommendations as well by postponing room bookings within campus until 24 January to avoid large gatherings.
Regarding sports, AUSA decided to follow Sports Scotland’s recommendations, forbidding indoor contact sports until 24 January.
They added how “Sessions are however permitted under guidelines to go ahead as fitness sessions. All indoor activity must keep 1m apart with no contact or balls permitted.”
Despite this being possible, AUSA still advises cancelling any sessions until 24 January.
They also advised any training and fixtures of non-contact indoor sports and outdoor sports to be cancelled until restrictions are loosened.
AUSA recommends for sports clubs and committees to consult their members and decide what they are “comfortable” with, as well as communicating what should be cancelled or kept in their schedules from 17 to 23 January.
Similar events to Re-Freshers and society’s “Give-it-a-goes” should be held from 31 January to 11 February and not before.
Finally, a “drop-in session” will be held by AUSA on Microsoft Teams next Monday 17 January at 1pm to answer any questions related to these new restrictions.