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Isle of Dogs - Review

by Daniel Mohr


Ever wondered what would happen if a power-seeking mayor of a fictional city in a not so distant future Japan banished all dogs to an isolated trash island in order to save the country from a dangerous dog virus? No? Well, Wes Anderson probably did, as that happens to be the premise of his newest film, in which a young boy decides to save his beloved dog with the help of a couple of alfa dogs voiced by some of today’s greatest actors.

It may sound like an extravagant, far-pitched fable for adolescent audiences, but as anyone who has ever seen anything from the director’s past work could tell, Isle of dogs is just another example of his original and intriguing work. Anderson’s unmistakable trademarks are present in this stop motion animation adventure, as the four-legged heroes are perfectly symmetrically framed, but also as the film’s colourful scenery leaves one staring in awe at all the details put into the exhausting production process.

Truth be told, the story is not the most complicated one since it mostly focuses on the main characters and on the development of their relationships, with a considerable amount of the script consisting of casual conversations about the dogs’ favourite food. However, the film also touches on more serious current topics, such as accumulation of power or animal rights, making it one of Anderson’s slightly more serious films.

Although a case where the visuals win over the content, but also one where the form has come close to perfection, Isle of dogs is ultimately a well-balanced, heartful and witty tale that has something for everyone. Even if you did vote for that cat to become rector.

©2023 by The Gaudie.

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