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AUSA GM loses quorum less than an hour into meeting

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

by Anttoni Numminen

The AUSA General Meeting became quorate at 5.59 pm, a minute before the deadline of 6.00 pm.

However, quorum was lost at 6.54 pm, when some students had left and enough students were no longer in attendance.

The meeting which was supposed to commence at 5.30 pm, was postponed till 6 pm in the hope that enough students would turn up.

The AUSA constitution, which regulates the way AUSA works, states that at least 250 students must be in attendance for the meeting to be quorate, or lawful.

At about 5.40 pm, chair of the meeting Lea Rattei announced that thus far 218 students were in attendance.

"We'll wait until 6 pm to see if we reach 250 people, so please message all your friends and tell them to come along", said Rattei, who is also chair of Student Council.

The first and last motion to be debated proposed abolishing Sabbatical Officers' work reports, proposed by Derek Gardiner.

Speaking in opposition to the motion, student Jack Boag emphasised the importance of work reports with regard to accountability and he said scrapping them would have a "detrimental effect" on Student Council.

If anything, the General Meeting just emphasises the painfully obvious disconnect between students and AUSA"

The motion was voted down with a considerable majority, with less than 20 people voting in favour of it.

However, after the motion was defeated, a quorum check was called for by a student. As 250 students were no longer in attendance the meeting was postponed.

Not all students were, however, impressed. Speaking to the Gaudie, a student attending the GM said: "If anything, the General Meeting just emphasises the painfully obvious disconnect between students and AUSA"

After the announcement of losing quorum, Student President Cecilia Wallbäck said: "I can call a general meeting for next week but we will still need 250 attendees."

Whether The GM will be postponed for later in the month is to be seen, as the byelaws state that no further business could be transacted.


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