Graduands to be guaranteed two guest tickets each, with more being put on offer after 3 June.
By Josh Pizzuto-Pomaco
Despite exams being in full swing, the big day is less than two months away. Here's everything you need to know about the ceremonies...
Where will the ceremonies be held?
In a break from the last several years, when they were held at P&J Live, graduations have returned to the King's College campus. Due to the size constraints of Elphinstone Hall, the main ceremony will be held in a large marquee on King's Lawn (the rugby pitches bording King St).
What about after the ceremony?
A reception will be hosted in a second marquee on King's Lawn after your ceremony concludes. Drinks and canapes will be served.
Where can I find the date and time of my graduation?
The University has provided a helpful ceremony-finder guide at this link.
How many guests tickets have I been allocated, and how can I purchase them?
Each graduand is guaranteed two guest tickets, which cost £12.50 each (plus booking fee). The portal to buy tickets opens on the 3rd of May. On 3 June, any unsold tickets will be released for general sale. This ticket will allow access to both the main ceremony and reception.
What if my ceremony is sold out?
The ceremony will be livestreamed at a number of locations across campus (Student Union, cafes, etc), and can also be viewed at the adjacent hospitality marquee, as well as on YouTube. Returned or unsold tickets will be available to purchase online until the ceremony begins.
Do students have to pay to graduate?
There are no fees to graduate. However, students must hire a gown and hat (which costs £45) from the University's official supplier Ede and Ravenscroft in order to process at the ceremony. Further details can be found here. Students can also choose to have professional photographs taken, although this is not mandatory.
Most importantly, where can I get a copy of The Gaudie's annual graduation edition?
We will have several stalls around the lawn and wider campus where copies of our graduation edition can be picked up. Stayed tuned for more details.
What did the University have to say?
Speaking to The Gaudie, a spokesperson said: "Graduation Ceremonies will return to Old Aberdeen from Summer 2024.
"Capacity within the marquee is limited and so each graduand will be allocated two tickets. Remaining tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis subject to capacity.
"Since 2019 the University has not applied any fees for students to graduate and this will continue. A guest ticket cost in line with the sector average will be applied which includes refreshments, providing increased value to guests and graduates.
"Ceremonies will be live-streamed free of charge for anyone unable to attend in person."
A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found here.